Red Light Recess #3: Not Being Me

“Red Light Coffee #3”

(Sort of continued from post “Red Light Recess #2: Permission”)

I know I need permission from myself to fully embrace the musical creativity that is apparently a big part of who I am, AND I continue to struggle with offering myself that freedom. Other creative urges I notice such as photography and wood-working are stifled even more than music. I don’t know what happened to me. I don’t know why I fear being me. I am covering up so much creativity. What am I truly afraid of? Why is this so difficult? Why can’t I simply write a song and share it and feel good that I finished it and shared it? That’s who I want to be. That’s who I am inside. I’m just not letting me be me.

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For more music (SoundCloud), blog posts, and other info, please visit

Read or listen to Brian Jost’s memoir: “Grounded by Bipolar Disorder; One Pilot’s Landing” (available in print, e-book/kindle, and audiobook). Click HERE to find the book on Amazon and Audible.

SUICIDE AND CRISIS HOTLINE (phone) – Dial 988.  More info:

Mental health resource (education, support, advocacy, public awareness):  NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness:

Music Production, Podcast Intro Jingle Services, Podcast production and Audio Engineering services provided by Brian Jost: