#14. Song “Try Hard” (unfinished melody idea for screenplay, Feb. 2021) by Brian Jost

There is a loud voice in Brian’s mind that is telling him to NOT share this or any of his ideas related to writing, music, screenplays, etc. It seems pretty clear that the voice is coming from a place of wisdom, because what you are about to read is obviously a bunch of incomplete nonsense. Maybe Brian should listen to that judgmental voice more often instead of fighting it and purposely sharing something like this blog post despite knowing that anyone who reads it will think he is a crazy freak who is “less” than others because of his mental illness. Whatever.

Brian is supposedly writing a musical screenplay, and he has around 50 song ideas started. He recorded this partial song idea (“Try Hard”) to capture the melody in his head. Brian thinks he recorded it in February of 2021 and found a note that he had initially titled the song “Long Cold February.” That is probably how he feels about any February in Minnesota…too long and too cold. Yes, even the shortest month of the year is too long for Brian. His gigantic sun-lamp works hard in the winter, especially the last half of the season. Around mid-January is when Brian typically begins feeling a deeper level of winter depression. February is typically worse than January. Anyway… here is Brian now, posting this song idea about a year after it came to him. Some of the lyrical ideas are below (none in the recording in this video…just the music, mainly to hear the melody).  

Read or listen to Brian Jost’s memoir: “Grounded by Bipolar Disorder; One Pilot’s Landing” (available in print, e-book/kindle, and audiobook). Click HERE to find the book on Amazon and Audible.