#8. Music, “Backyard” (2019) by Brian Jost

Music or song? This one is music (Title: “Backyard,” created likely around March 2019). This piece of music shows up again in blog post #10 (The ridiculous nursery rhyme ABCs song). No lyrics. Instrumental?…sort of. There is a bit of acoustic guitar, but the rest was played with a keyboard, electronic, midi running through a DAW (Steinberg Cubase). Brian considers the percussion to be “fake.” He did not play any percussion instrument in this recording. Rather, he programmed percussion patterns inside Cubase. Brian enjoys playing around with various percussion sounds and programming unique patterns. He also enjoys playing a real drum set. Brian’s acoustic drum set is currently stored at his parents’ house. He recently acquired and began playing an electric drum set which is smaller than his acoustic drum set (same number of drums, and one more cymbal), and it fits nicely in his tiny home “studio.”

Read or listen to Brian Jost’s memoir: “Grounded by Bipolar Disorder; One Pilot’s Landing” (available in print, e-book/kindle, and audiobook). Click HERE to find the book on Amazon and Audible.